Public Benefits

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The Justice Center’s Benefits Unit provides assistance to some of the most vulnerable residents of the region whose life-line is a modest benefits check provided by the Commonwealth or the federal government that is all-too-often unfairly denied.

Through both direct advocacy with agency representatives, as well as formal hearings before administrative hearing officers, Justice Center advocates fight for clients whose only road to stability and health is by qualifying for public benefits aimed at making good on society’s promise to help the disabled, the sick or just those who have experienced a temporary – but terrible – crisis in their lives. Among the safety net benefits we help our clients obtain or retain are Transitional Aid to Families With Dependent Children (TAFDC), Emergency Aid to Elders, Disabled and Children (EAEDC), SNAP (also called Food Stamps), Emergency Assistance Shelter, MassHealth, C. 115 Veterans Services, Unemployment Benefits, and Denial or Termination of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability (SSDI). Our advocates ensure that eligible clients are able to receive these benefits, which can mean keeping a roof over a family’s head or getting needed medicine or medical care for disabled or frail senior citizens.